Can you spot the potential hazards?

potential storage, handling and fire safety issuesHere’s another real world hazard spotting exercise. The staff in this busy café were unaware of the potential hazards on show!

For assistance with fire safety issues and correct manual handling and storage within your operation, email us at: [email protected]

HSQC have over 40 years of experience as a leading international safety and quality management consultancy. Our team provide technical advice and laboratory and scientific support to businesses in the hospitality, food, leisure, tourism, and catering industries.



  • Fire extinguisher holding a door open; it should be wall-mounted or in a plastic container
  • Drinks (classed as a food) are on the floor posing a contamination hazard
  • Items stored on the floor pose a manual handling hazard to the staff member who has to lift them
  • The door is not in good condition and should be redecorated or, at the very least, kept clean!

Did you spot them all?